Shelia Jones, Georgia State Representative Dist. 60

Before serving in the General Assembly, Representative Sheila Jones worked for Lockheed Martin Company, where she held many leadership roles as a member of the International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers AFL-CIO (Local Lodge 709).
Sheila was elected as the Legislative Representative for the Georgia State Council of Machinists & Aerospace Workers, representing more than 9,000 working men and women Machinists throughout the state of Georgia.
In this role, Sheila traveled to the Georgia State Capitol where she lobbied state Representatives & Senators and to Washington, DC to lobby national Representatives & Senators on issues affecting working families (to raise the minimum wage, unemployment benefits, and workers compensation).
After being elected State Representative, Sheila was awarded Freshman Legislator of the Year by the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus. The long-time resident of North Atlanta and past President of the Harwell Heights Community Club sponsored a legislative luncheon at the State Capitol for senior citizens where they were educated on Predatory Mortgage Lenders.
Her efforts to make Harwell Road a safer street resulted in the placement of speed breakers on the road. She has organized a community clean up drive, distributed food baskets to senior citizens during the holiday season, and coordinated a joint voter registration drive for the Atlanta Chapter of National Women Political Caucus and the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. She also was an active participant of the Georgia’s Stonewall Democrats voter registration at Piedmont Park.